Do You Have to Show Your Receipt at Walmart?

Walmart is among the most reputed and valued brands across the world. In 2022, it is recorded that Walmart has 10,593 retail stores out of a total of 10,957 properties across the globe. Customers at Walmart might need to show their receipts while leaving. However, they are not obligated to do so by law. Customers have the right to refuse to show their receipts. According to Walmart’s receipt checking policy, employees can ask you to show them your receipt. So, in some cases, employees ask customers for their receipts..

Why Does Walmart Check The Receipt? 

Owing to the Shopkeeper’s Privilege, if the Walmart employees suspect any customer, they can force them to show their receipts or even detain them in the store. However, if they are asking you to show them your receipt does not necessarily imply that they have suspected you of shoplifting. The company makes sure to prevent shoplifting by checking the customers’ receipts while they leave the mart. You can refuse to show it if you are not comfortable. Remember, the company has the right to take action against any customer if they have a valid reason. Checking the receipts and showing the receipts both are voluntary actions taken by the company and the customers respectively.

What If I Refuse To Show The Receipt? 

 In case a customer refuses to show their receipt and the company suspects them of shoplifting then the company holds the right to detain the customer in-store. This suspicion should have a valid ground like surveillance footage or the customer or staff who witnessed it. Due to shoplifting, the corporation lost around $3 billion in 2015, accounting for 1% of overall revenue. This is the reason why they have been checking receipts nowadays.

What is the Shopkeeper’s Privilege?

Shopkeeper’s Privilege is a right that retailers hold. In layman’s terms, it is a law that is intended to protect retailers from theft. By that law, the company can detain customers whom they suspect of shoplifting. However, the company must have a strong ground for detaining its customer and can hold the suspected person for a limited time until the cops arrive. The following are the steps for the retailer to take a look before suspecting a person to be a shoplifter. 

On What Basis Can a Retailer Accuse One of Shoplifting?

If you are a Walmart employee accusing a customer of shoplifting then you must have: 

Seen the suspect enter your storeSeen the suspect pick up items from the storeObserved the suspect continuously Witnessed the suspect failed to pay

Then you can go ahead and approach the suspect for shoplifting but you cannot do it inside the store.


Wrapping up the article by saying that the company has the right to ask you to show them your receipts. If you want you can show it to them but you are not enforced by law to do it. Asking you to show them your receipt is voluntary on their side and so is your presentation of receipts to them. However, things can change and get pretty serious if they find someone shoplifting. As mentioned in the article the company has suffered a huge loss because of shoplifting so they might ask you for your receipts to keep shoplifting at bay. 

Hope this article was useful for the dear readers.

What happens if a customer loses their Walmart receipt?

You need not worry if you have lost your receipt. You can retrieve it from your credit card. To retrieve the proof of your purchase you need an online app called Receipt Lookup where you have to put the details and location of your purchase. You will receive a soft copy which you can show to the Walmart employees.

Is a customer bound to exhibit their receipts to Walmart employees?

The answer would be a clear NO. Nobody is legally bound to show their receipt to Walmart employees. Showing one’s receipt to the employees is completely voluntary.  If they ask you to do so, you can leave the store by saying a straight ‘NO’.

What if you are innocent yet prevented from leaving the store without a receipt check?

As a customer, you can decline the receipt check and as a retailer, they can ask you for a receipt check and prevent you from leaving with it if and only if they have valid reasons. If you are innocent and they fail to show any probable reason for detaining you then you can take action against the retailer for false imprisonment.