What is the Do Not Rent list?

Each car rental company has a list of banned individuals or customers who are excluded from hiring a car from them. This list is called the Do Not Rent list (DNR). These persons are presumed to be risks or threats to the rental company and thus cannot rent a car from them or their subsidiaries. Before a customer can end up on this list, there must have been a series of violations that the person committed. Generally, it is difficult to get your name off the list. Car rental companies want to ensure the safety of their business because though there is insurance to make up for the damage, this is the only up to a certain point. If your name appears on the Do Not Rent list, you will be barred from renting cars from other car rental companies. This is because the car rental company is highly consolidated., it is best to follow the rules and stay clear of the list.

How can you avoid the Do Not Rent list?

Abstain from using a fake ID: If a person is found using a fake form of identification or using counterfeit documents then that person is deemed to be on the Do Not Rent list. The reason for this is that the car rental company will be convinced that such a person is a risk to their company and there is no guarantee whatsoever that they will get their car back and this might be costly for them.

Pay as at when due: Often, customers find themselves on the Do Not Rent list due to untimely or no payment. Paying the rental company is just as important as keeping the car in good condition. Your pay Is their revenue and being a threat to that would likely get you on the list. It is vital to pay the car rental company on the agreed particular due date. In an instance where you have received a fine or citation, ensure it is cleared at the appropriate courts and the fine is settled.

Follow the rules: It is practically impossible to end up on the Do Not Rent list if you follow all the rules stipulated in the contract. If you disobey any of the rules, your name is likely to appear on the list as a threat to the company. You must not neglect any information conveyed to you by the company. Ensure that you abide by the given rules and that when returning the car, it is in the same shape it was when hired. Avoid unauthorized drivers from driving: In a car renting process, there is an agreement that involves the specific people that will drive the car. Sometimes, only you could be on the list of drivers. Anyone mentioned in that part of the agreement is an authorized driver whereas anyone not mentioned is deemed to be an authorized driver. If there is an accident while driving by an unauthorized driver, the driver who rented the car will end up on the Do Not Rent list and not the unauthorized driver.

Drive within the agreed area: In a car renting contract, there is also an agreement on where to and not to drive the car. If this is not mentioned, it is best to inquire about the geographical limits of the car. The car renting company will be aware of where you drive the car and whether you stayed in the permitted region or not. Thus, it is best to follow the prescribed rules and drive where allowed. Failure to adhere will warrant your name appearing on the Do Not Rent list.

Do not engage in criminal activities using a rental car: known criminals are generally excluded from renting cars but in an instance where either knowingly or unknowingly, the car you rented was being used in criminal activity, your name would appear on the Do Not Rent list. This is because the authorities will call the company that rented the car to you and would report that the car was used for illegal and criminal activity. Such an instance will deem you a threat to their company. The rental company would take steps to ensure they will not be affiliated with you.

Be respectful: Being impolite, belligerent, rude, and disrespectful towards a car rental staff can also get your name on the Do Not Rent list. Ensure you respect and act polite towards the workers at all times.

Drive responsibly: The failure to drive responsibly defeats the fundamental rule of car renting. This rule involves many other rules including some aforementioned. Do not drink and drive and do not take substances that can result in being ‘under the influence’. You must be of the right mind while driving. Obey all traffic laws. Wear a seatbelt, stay in the right lane, and do not speed. Following rules properly and doing what is right will keep you off the Do Not Rent list.

Conclusion: Do Not Rent List

When signing the car rental contract, ensure you have read and have understood the terms, conditions, and policies. Do not go signing papers where you are unaware or unsure of the content or its implications. Generally, as long as you are fully informed of the contract and abide by its rules, there should be no reason for you to worry about appearing on the Do Not Rent list.

How can you be removed from the Do Not Rent List?

Getting your name off of the Do Not Rent list is a difficult task because it involves re-convincing that you are not a threat to their company anymore. You may phone their collections department. Most people that are on the Do Not Rent list are there because of unpaid bills. Pay your bills and clear doubts about defaulting payments again and they will rent to you again. If your offense involves other actions like drunk driving, substance abuse, unauthorized driving, criminal activities, etc., you will have to prove to the company that you would not engage in such activities again.

How long can you be on the Do Not Rent list?

This list is forever. Your name will appear and remain on the list until your responsibility or obligation is fulfilled. If you have an unpaid fee, you cannot get off the list until the fee is paid. If you have been involved in other offenses, the company will keep you blacklisted till they are convinced you will abide by the rules.