With the level of recognition the brand commands, you can only imagine the barrage of imitation efforts it has to ward off, which is why customers are constantly curious to know how best they can identify Gucci products. How does Gucci place its stamp of approval on their products, especially their bags?

Gucci numbers its products serially. The serial number has become the easiest way to differentiate the original Gucci bag from a fake. These serial numbers are usually written on a leather tag—along with the Gucci logo—and placed on the interior stitching line of the bags. Gucci Bags have Serial numbers! – let’s know.

How do you find this Serial number?

Whether your bag was made in the 1980s or 2019, the leather tag is always along the inner stitching line. The tag can be square or rectangle. Turn it over to see the Gucci stamp and the serial number. Only numbers. If you find letters among the numbers, it’s a clear sign that your Gucci might be fake. The serial numbers are in numbers alone. You can Google the serial number to see if your bag comes up, but even if it doesn’t come up, it doesn’t necessarily invalidate it.

How else can I spot a fake Gucci Bag?

To spot a fake Gucci bag, you will likely notice some or all of the following:

The logo does not have a round G (G that looks like an O)Gucci’s trademark symbol is absent. The “Made in Italy” line at the bottom has a different font than the company title above it. The left vertical hand of the letter “U” is thicker than the right vertical hand. Letters in the serial number.  “Gucci” in the middle has a letter G formed in the same way as in the interlocking G’s of the logo.

For vintage Gucci bags (those made in the 1990s), the “made in Italy” was in all caps and the Gucci trademark symbol was absent.

How to Interpret Gucci’s serial numbers?

The top half of the serial number is the bag’s model number. Bag models change from time to time. Dots and hyphens could appear between the numbers could beGucci serial numbers usually come in a serif font. The bottom half is the batch number. Batch numbers of bags are usually the same as other Gucci products.  If you type the bag’s model number into a search engine, you can find your bag online.

What if my bag does not have a Serial number?

The bag tag shape may not matter so much as the sizes and shapes of 1990s Gucci bags changed quite frequently, but if the bag does not have a serial number, it is a massive sign that what you have in your hands is counterfeit.

Other ways to Spot fake Gucci Products

QR Code

QR code checking has been added to provide an extra layer of authentication for Gucci lovers. You can now use your phone’s QR code scanning app to check the authenticity of a Gucci bag. Check the small label inside the bag to find the code. Together with the QR code will be the word GUCCI in uppercase and a 10-digit number.

Premium Packaging

Gucci is particular about product packaging. The brand is so mindful of it that customers find the process of unpacking Gucci products exhilarating. Gucci packs its items with quality materials and does it creatively. For example, Gucci bags come with dust bags that are designed in the same way as the bags themselves. The dust bag is to shield the product from dust. Packaging is something to which imitators rarely give much energy.

Gucci’s Quality Control Card (Controllato)

Controllato cards in Gucci items mean that they have been passed through the quality control process. They come with all Gucci handbags. So when you see them in your bags, you are supposed to be assured that they are authentic. But there is one problem. Imitators can reproduce them and attach them to their fake bags. You can observe the logo and text closely to see if the text matches that of the original Gucci.

How to Spot the Real serial numbers?

Gucci bags made between 1990 and 2000 saw an alteration of the serial numbering due to a change in leadership. Gucci serial numbers began to come in two lines. They began to write the zeroes in the shape of an ellipse. Numbers 2 and 3 became curled and numbers like 4 and 7 began to come with feet at the bottom. From 2000, Gucci bags began to bear two lines of six numbers at the top and another six or four at the bottom.


All Gucci Bags—and products—have serial numbers. It is Gucci’s major way of distinguishing its products from imitators. If you set out to buy a Gucci bag, look out for the serial number attached to the stitching inside the bag. The serial number is in all numbers, not letters. If you find the serial number missing from the bag, that may be your sign that it might be fake. You might want to go to a place where you can find the serial numbers without red flags.