Making a textured canvas art is a simple task but it will take a lot of time to fully complete the work, so patience would be something that can be helpful. The raw material for this visual or abstract art involves, a canvas, necessary tools, Drywall mud or other texture compounds that are easily affordable, and spray paint.

First of all, the foundation of every art is on the canvas. We can buy for a cheaper rate on the internet but for now, we can do it ourselves. To make a canvas you need to measure the dimension and size it properly so that it can fit the preferred place you want. Using a saw or any other cutting device, cut it proportionately and create a frame-like structure. Now use staples or nails to fix the corners of the framework with fabric material. This is a lot time-consuming because you have to carefully pin every end of the material to the frame without giving much tension in the center part. This has to be done with every side of the frame. Then you will get a surface you create your work.

Now that the canvas is done it is time to fill it with drywall mud. But before that to get rid of the uneven surface you can use a material called Gesso, which is a mixture of glue and is always white in color. Why apply Gesso? This substance helps to create a smooth base for materials like wood or the fabric you used to wrap the canvas which is uneven and rigid in nature. Now as we said, we can pour the drywall mud onto the white surface and create whatever visual art you want.


For this artistically hefty DIY process, there are not many tools you need to keep aside other than to make a perfectly fitting canvas. The canvas is made of wood. You can find it in carpentry shops near you or you can reuse any other frame you made earlier. So after wood, you need tools to cut the wood. We can use a miter saw or a hand saw, anything accessible for you at the time. You don’t need to use these specific tools to cut the wood, but be careful while using these sharp devices.  

When you are using paint to demonstrate the textures you made, use Acrylic Texture paint. Why use it? Because it is denser than the normal color or paints you buy. It cannot flow down over the textures you made and creates a more solid view for the abstracted work.


As I said earlier, we create texture with drywall mud. How we create texture is always up to you because there are no crash courses on how you can transfer something that is on the mind to a canvas. It is you who always creates that idea. But I can give some other material you can use to make texture in your mind viewing up through those drywall mud in the canvas.


Creating anything is a fun process, not just because you can feel the “it is worth the time“ moment, but instead, in the end, you can feel amazing by looking at it and saying “I did it all by myself”. It is a difficult process but it is possible. You can afford all the raw materials and tools to make this art possible. There is an entire community of people who spent most of their time creating and exploring unknown and abstract forms of ideas on a canvas. Other than that most of the things I mentioned earlier are cheaper than anything you can afford to create a professional painting. To make the canvas you don’t even need to know anything about woodwork.

Q. What is texture art?

Texture art is always something visual and represented through visual representations of ideas.

Q. Why do we use Gesso before texturing with drywall mud?

Gesso glue with providing a smooth white surface for the canvas so that it can prevent the hard texture of the fabric wrap we used.