DIY Survival Kit For High School Dollar Tree

A DIY survival kit consists of a set of items ranging from water bottle, Sanitary napkins, Hair ties, lip balm, extra tee, stationery items, snacks, hand sanitizer, first aid kit all of which help survive high school and help reduce the stress a little! And the best part is, you can find all of these at a very cheap rate (1$) easily at the dollar store. Carrying these items in your bag gives you the confidence to conquer the day and not let any speed breakers come on the way (carpe diem!) All of these in some way or the other help contribute to having a productive high school and increase concentration of students.  

What can you add in your survival kit?

Water bottle:

I cannot stress how important staying hydrated is. It is scientifically proven that drinking 8 glasses of water a day directly affects the functionality of the brain. This leads to less sick days, increased focus and concentration, boosts the short term memory and helps increase your retention capacity. A simple step of drinking regular intervals of water goes a long way.

Sanitary napkins:

AHH the number of times I’ve gone to school without a pad/tampon and got my period! I’m sure a lot of you’ll have been in a similar situation as me. To avoid awkward, helpless situations make sure to keep a pad ready at all times. Definitely a must have in a survival kit.

Hair ties/lip balm/glasses:

These can be very insignificant but oh does it play a vital role on PE days! You can find these easily for a $1 at the Dollar tree. I’ve asked tons of friends for an extra hair tie, or a lip balm to hydrate my lips during my school days. How about adding these items to our survival kit and be the person who lends others the hair tie and not the one who asks for them.

Extra T-shirt:

The last thing I would want to do is sit in a classroom sweating tediously coming right after Gym. We’ve all probably experienced this and I speak for everyone, THAT IS ABSOLUTELYT GROSS! An extra tee or even a towel to wipe off the sweat helps keep you clean and also aids you to concentrate in your next class.


You are sure to find tons of cute stationery at the dollar tree. Cute stationery, in my opinion, helps students automatically find their notes interesting and bearable to read (especially during finals week!)

Edible items:

One should always carry a small snack, like a chocolate or a pack of biscuit. You never know when you feel hunger stricken in the middle of a class! Speaking for myself, I would never be able to study or focus on an empty stomach. Carrying small edibles helps!

Hand Sanitizer:

All the pandemic babies might be pondering “isn’t it obvious to carry one?” We did understand the importance of carrying one after the pandemic. Carry your hand sanitizer and keep yourself away from the germs. This in turn helps you not to get sick frequently and of course takes us back to the basic that is concentrate on your academics. 

Safety kit/ first aid kit:

You can never anticipate when you fall sick, or when you hurt yourself while at school. Although, it may add a lot of weight and burden to your bag and shoulders, make sure to carry a band aid and paracetamol at the least. 

I Hope you’ll have found the above tips useful enough to use them and get through high school. An important thing to note is that, a survival kit can differ from person to person. When one might not feel the need to add a certain item, another might feel the need to add another item, according to their personal preference. Thus you can make your survival kit, in the way you feel like, and add all the items you feel would help increase your focus and retention and help you ace High school!