AWS vs DigitalOcean

What is DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean is a simple cloud service provider. It has a simple set-up and very affordable in price. It allows developers to accomplish a task like spinning up a server(droplet) in a fraction of time it takes on other platforms.

What is AWS?

DigitalOcean vs AWS

Difference between DigitalOcean and AWS

Why DigitalOcean?

Here, are the most prominent advantages/benefits for using DigitalOcean:

Allows you to create multiple server instances using the same account Offers great performing servers Easy to set up and provides support of various operating systems DigitalOcean is an ideal option for those people who provide managed hosting services for web applications or websites in shared environments Great tool for tech-savvy start-ups Works on What You See Is What You Pay model User-friendly management interface Pricing is very affordable and scalable Offers well documented FAQ and tutorials

AWS Compute Cloud allows you to increase or decrease storage as per the requirement of your organization AWS enables you to select an operating system, programming language, database of your choice. Broad and deep service offerings Robust partner ecosystem Simple and transparent licensing method High network reliability with low latency Minimal information is lost during the process of server and storage transfer Better DevOps support Support for Business Intelligence and analytics

History of DigitalOcean

In 2003, Moisey Uretsky and Ben founded ServerStack, a managed web hosting business. In 2011 the Uretskys founded DigitalOcean. This firm offered server provisioning and cloud hosting services. In August 2012, the company got traction and launched around 10,000 cloud server instances. By May 2015, DigitalOcean expanded further with a new data center in Toronto, Canada. In May 2018, the DigitalOcean announced the launch of Kubernetes-based container service.

2002- A launch of AWS services 2006- Launched its cloud products 2015- Able to achieve revenues of $4.6 billion 2016- Surpassed 10 billion dollar revenue target 2016- Release snowball and snowmobile 2019- Offers More than 100 cloud services

Disadvantages of DigitalOcean

Here, are cons/drawbacks of using DigitalOcean:

You can’t install the system by yourself or provide your ISO Security issues may occur with SSH host keys. Does not have a SAN but instead uses local storage in RAID DigitalOcean has fewer regions, compared to AWS. DigitalOcean does not offer any cloud computing instances that have GPUs. Useful for AI, machine learning, and Data sciences training. Errors and bugs were not appropriately addressed.

Disadvantages of AWS

Here, are cons/drawbacks of using AWS services:

AWS is not an ideal option for start-ups that are not tech-savvy Lots of hidden costs AWS best suited for companies who want a datacentre, not a server Less hybrid-cloud friendly. Incompatible and weak hybrid strategy Unreliable deployment with no error description Launching multiple app instances is not an easy process in AWS. AWS is a less open private cloud. This makes it an unpopular storage option for sensitive industries like finance and banking. Customer Support is expensive.

DigitalOcean vs AWS: Which Cloud Server is Better?

However, If you are looking for a cost-effective cloud computing solution, then DigitalOcean is undoubtedly the best option for you. But, if you want multiple tools for your business, then you should opt for AWS services.