Both versions of the game will be available on the PlayStation store. Those that pre-ordered the PlayStation 4 version from GameStop will receive black versions of Agumon and Gabumon, along with multiple attires for Agumon and two exclusive Digimon: Cherubimon and Beelzebumon. The game will release on February 5th in Europe.

Released earlier in Japan, fans were clamoring for a worldwide release due to the pleasantly surprising scores. Reviews in Japan have gone so far as to call it the best Digimon game that’s released in a while. The game has classic turn-based combat, which old-school JRPG fans will no doubt enjoy. Players can also choose between a female or male protagonist, then progress through a story about saving the world from corrupt Digimon. Similar to Pokemon, Digimon can be recruited into the player’s party by scanning them. 

Overall, this looks like a solid pickup for PS Vita fans looking for a JRPG to tide them over until Persona 5 comes out later this year.