It is specially designed circuits for embedded applications and is widely used in automatically controlled electronic devices. It contains memory, processor, and programmable I/O.

Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors The Application Specific Integrated Circuit Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessors Digital Signal Multiprocessors (DSPs)

Types of Microcontroller

Here are important types of Microcontroller:

8 bit Microcontroller 16 bit Microcontroller 32 bit Microcontroller Embedded Microcontroller External memory Microcontroller

History of Microprocessor

Here, are the important landmark from the history of Microprocessor

Fairchild Semiconductors invented the first IC (Integrated Circuit) in 1959. In 1968, Robert Noyce, Gordan Moore, Andrew Grove found their own company Intel. Intel grew from 3 man start-up in 1968 to industrial giant by 1981. In 1971, INTEL created the first generation Microprocessor 4004 that would run at a clock speed of 108 kHz From 1973 to 1978, second-generation 8-bit microprocessors were fabricated like Motorola 6800 and 6801, INTEL-8085, and Zilog’s-Z80. In 1978, Intel 8008 third-generation process came into the market. In the early 80s, Intel released fourth-generation 32-bit processors. In 1995, intel released in fifth-generation 64-bit processors .

History of Microcontroller

Here, are important landmarks from the history of Microcontroller:

First used in 1975(Intel 8048) The introduction of EEPROM in 1993 The same year, Atmel introduced the first microcontroller using Flash memory.

Difference Between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Here is the difference between Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller

Features of Microprocessor

Here are some important features of Microprocessor:

Offers built-in monitor/debugger program with interrupt capability Large amount of instructions each carrying out a different variation of the same operation Offers Parallel I/O Instruction cycle timer External memory interface

Features of Microcontroller

Here are some important features of Microcontroller:

Processor reset Program and Variable Memory (RAM) I/O pins Device clocking central processor Instruction cycle timers

Applications of Microprocessor

Microprocessors are mainly used in devices like:

Calculators Accounting system Games machine Complex industrial controllers Traffic light Control data Military applications Defense systems Computation systems

Applications of Microcontroller

Microcontrollers are mainly used in devices like:

Mobile phones Automobiles CD/DVD players Washing machines Cameras Security alarms Keyboard controllers Microwave oven Watches Mp3 players
