Removal of price scanners

Yes, the company has been getting rid of price scanners in its stores all across the country. The main reason for it is the cut down in costs that it helps in and also it helps in keeping the shelf clear and clean and gives a great show of cleanliness to the customers coming into the store for shopping. 

Walmart has provided a solution for this, it has installed built-in product scanners in its application, ‘the Walmart app’, where one can directly scan and get the price of a certain in-store commodity or also an online commodity on the Walmart website. These upgrades have made it a lot easier for customers to get to know the price of a commodity and even has helped Walmart reduce operating and in-store costs.

Finances and Money

So according to reports, the current estimated revenue of the Walmart brand is around 548.743 billion dollars, which according to the Forbes 500 list made it the biggest revenue earning company in the world for 2020, but it was later surpassed by the tech giants, Apple in the following year when it became the first 1 trillion dollar economy in the world.

The company’s owners and Sam Walton’s heirs own almost 50 percent of the Walmart stocks. The company’s major revenue and sales come from the united states, in the year 2019 when Walmart’s total revenue was 540.753 billion dollars.

Employees and staff

So, currently, Walmart employs one of the biggest groups of people as its staff in the Walmart stores and employees in the Walmart office. The current employee strength of the company comes up to a whopping 2.2 million.


Walmart is a public-private-owned enterprise. Meaning that one half is owned by the public and the other owned by the actual owners of the firm. Statistically speaking, 50 percent of the company is owned by the general public in the form of shares, that have been made available by the company in the stock market. The other 50 percent is owned and operated by Sam Walton’s heirs, who are the hereditary owners of the business.

Walmart even considers its employees and staff as the owners of the firm as they are the ones that play a major role in the smooth and efficient running of the company.

Growth and Development

One can see a sign of development by the continuously growing charts of Walmart. From starting the firm with only a few employees and an owner in Sam Walton to being the largest private employer in the world. From earning revenues in lakhs to being called as the most successful and largest revenue earning company, as per the Forbes 500. The company has come a long way. But, the question arises, why and how did Walmart make it till here. The answer is “VISION”. Sam Walton, the creator of the brand, had a vision in mind while starting it.

Current operations and way of working

Walmart, as mentioned earlier employs 2.2 million employees in its stores around the world. The mode of operation is very simple in the organization. Every idea is nurtured be it from the low-level employees or the top-level management, every idea is looked upon and carefully analyzed if it can benefit the company in any way or not. The ownership, explained earlier is 50-50 which makes both the shareholders and the actual owners happy. 

These strict measures, like, frequent quality checks, providing top-notch quality, affordable prices, and systematic arrangements of commodities make people believe in the firm. This is the reason why Walmart runs majorly by its name and goodwill, rather than by the product it sells and the prices it offers.


In the ending, all I have to say is that today Walmart has become one of the biggest names in the grocery and supermarket industry. Its way of working and importance is given to its employees, customers and everyone working with it and buying from it have made it a global success today. Customer and employee loyalty towards the brand, due to understanding between both, has made it the largest private employer in the world, also all this has led to large revenues for the company. That’s all I had to say regarding Walmart. Thank you.

Q1) Does Walmart value its employees more than its shareholders or vice-versa?

A1) No. the company values both of them equally. The customers are valued because they help the company in earning revenue. And the shareholders are valued as they have invested their money in the firm, which helps in the day-to-day functioning of it. 

Q2) Does Walmart provide free shipping of products?

A2) Yes, Walmart does provide free shipping of orders, but on condition that the order total shall be above 50 dollars, anything less than 50 dollars is charged with a shipping fee of 5 dollars.

Q3) How long does it take for a Walmart shipment to arrive at a customer’s doorstep?

A3) Well, this depends mainly on the number of items ordered. If a large number of commodities are ordered, then it makes takes more time to reach the customer’s place and vice-versa. But mostly it takes 5-7 business days for a Walmart shipment to be delivered to from the store to the customer as per the demand arises.