Celebrating video game titles that are made at least in part in Canada and internationally, the Canadian Video Game Awards 2016 have now revealed the winners in 20 different categories at their sixth annual event at the Palais de Congres in downtown Montreal. Announced from a list of over 50 finalists, a group of industry experts from across Canada voted on the winners in all but two categories - where fans decided who would triumph, instead.

Having led the finalist nominations earlier this year, it should come as no surprise that Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was the title to take home the most awards. Other big wins came for Episode 1 of The Gallery and Rise of the Tomb Raider. Check out the full list of all the winners below:

  • Best Console Game: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Eidos-Montreal) Best Mobile/Handheld Game: Severed (Drinkbox Studios) Best PC Game: Stories: The Path of Destinies (Spearhead Games) Best Virtual Reality Game: The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed (Cloudhead Games) Best Animation: Far Cry Primal (Ubisoft Montreal) Best Art Direction: Jotun: Valhalla Edition (Thunder Lotus Games) Best Audio: NHL 17 (EA Canada) Best Debut Game: Jotun: Valhalla Edition (Thunder Lotus Games) Best Educational Game: Modbox (Alientrap) Best Game Design: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Eidos-Montreal) Best Game Innovation: The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed (Cloudhead Games) Best Indie Game: Stories: The Path of Destinies (Spearhead Games) Best Musical Score: Take My Hand by YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN & Pantayo - Severed (Drinkbox Studios) Best Narrative: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Eidos-Montreal) Best New Character: The Trapper, Dead by Daylight (Behaviour Digital) Best Performance: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Eidos-Montreal) Best Technology: The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed (Cloudhead Games) Fans’ Choice - Best Canadian-Made Game: Dead by Daylight (Behaviour Digital) Fans’ Choice - Best International Game: Rise of the Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics) Game of the Year: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Eidos-Montreal)

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was the subject of much discussion upon release. Reviews were extremely varied, but it would seem those on the judging panel at this year’s CVAs really took the title into their hearts. It’s nice to see a game that perhaps didn’t get as much attention as it deserved do so well. Another that could fall into that category would be Far Cry Primal. Though it fared generally well with reviewers, the open world action-adventure game hadn’t until this point picked up any accolades of note. With that being said, Ubisoft at the time of sales said the game had performed better than they could have predicted.

Taking three gongs, The Gallery developers Cloudhead Games can now move forward with the knowledge that the majority of players are enjoying their experience with the title. As a game built for virtual reality, creators have to be pleased with just how successful the game has already become when up against a lot of new VR releases. If the episodes ahead can replicate the success of the first, the game could cement itself as one of the leading foundations of the virtual reality world.

The Canadian Video Game Awards are produced by the Canadian League of Gamers and are officially endorsed by the Entertainment Software Association of Canada, Interactive Ontario, Alliance Numerique and DigiBC.

Source: The Canadian Video Game Awards