Quote throws the player into a beautifully hand-drawn world where Bliss, the God of Ignorance, reigns with an iron fist. His goal? To eradicate all knowledge – and he’s succeeding. However, there are still some pesky heretics causing trouble with their pursuit of enlightenment.

Rather than fighting against the purge however, Quote makes you a priestess of Bliss named Novella, with the goal to “purify” the world of all literature and authors. You’ll be driven onward to stamp out this “wicked wisdom” and save the people from themselves.

The game will draw upon the works of authors such as Kurt Vonnegut and Aldous Huxley, and players will be able to discover (and eradicate) content and living manifestations from these works.

Quote will feature over 20 unlockable powers to supplement a gameplay mix of brawling, stealth, and exploration. Novella is accompanied by her avian sidekick Tatters, who can be fed on the blasphemous materials to increase her powers.

The game also boasts the writing chops of Dan Griliopoulis and Alec Meer (Rock Paper Shotgun, No Man’s Sky) and is directed by studio founder Robin Lacey and illustrator Evan Lovejoy.

Quote will launch on Steam Early Access for both Windows and Mac this Winter, with a full release to follow in 2017.